Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Study Break!

Sein generously let us shadow her photography in action on Marshana's senior shoot!
Sein took some time to show us her favorite lenses (the 85mm--which she said produces photos with more depth than the 50mm; and 24mm wide angle for photos with cool backgrounds) and explained how she uses light (backlighting to get cool sun-glares and flower petals to create natural filters). She pointed out that people's natural beauty shines when they are comfortable which is hugely important to the quality of a photo. She lets people choose their pose but asks them to move their hands around or touch their hair--when something works she likes to show them an example of how amazing they look! She said that her favorite photos are that balance between posed and movement. Thanks again Sein, we had a blast!
Sein in action (above)
Isn't Danielle gorgeous!

These pictures of Susie melt my heart!

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